1) Interview With The Vampire (1994) (actually a good movie, based on an even better book:)

2) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) (also really good, but with some wretched accents, and Keanu Reeves, who ruins pretty much anything)
3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) (karate and vampires, plus Luke Perry? awesome)
4) Once Bitten (1985) (Jim Carrey makes a great vampire, plus there is a classic 80's dance-off)
5) Underworld (2003) (Kate Beckinsale is the sexiest vampire ever, and there is a lot of cool, plastic-looking spandex goin' on, which is always nice.)
Here is the movie that I watched last week:
*30 Days of Night (2007), directed by David Slade, and starring Josh Hartnett, is a totally grotesque and horrifying take on vampire lore. In a nightmarish twist, a flock of blood-suckers invades a remote Alaskan town, which is completely isolated every year by extreme weather, and 30 days of total darkness. I mean, come on. Alaska is scary enough without some vampires, right? These vampires went way beyond the run-of-the-mill undead, with nasty, crazy eyes and really messy, bloody faces:) These guys definitely take no pride in their appearance:) They also screeched a lot, and spoke in an archaic language that you know doesn't stem from the Indo-European (way too scary). So, I would give this flick a thumbs-up for story-line and all-out scariness, but a big, fat thumbs-down for dialogue. But, who watches a vamp movie for chit-chat anyway?

As you all know, I like movies a lot. I also like books a lot. I recommend the "Twilight" series for anybody anywhere, so there you go:)

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