May I just say, that I love Frances McDormand? I think that she is completely wonderful, and talented, and hilarious. I want to give you all a very happy review of a flick that I just enjoyed, and also add a small homage to the lady herself (in manner of my top-McDormand flicks list:), so here goes:
* Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008), starring the great F.McD., Amy Adams, and the dashing Ciaran Hinds (I loved him in Persuasion!!!). This is a delightful movie, complete with both youthful and mature-aged romances, 1940s glamour, and really great music. It is definitely light and fluffy, but don't we all need that sometimes? So, if you are looking for a Cinderella-story, set in barely-pre-WWII London, starring a fabulous and deserving heroine, then look no further!!!

Now, for a few of my favorite McDormand roles (all of which are directed and written by those fabulous Coen Brothers). You may or may not have heard of Joel Coen, of the Coen Brothers fame? Well, you should have. You should also know that Joel Coen is the lucky husband of one, Ms. Frances McDormand:) :

1) Fargo (1996), obviously. This is a fantastic dark comedy, and I really love the exposure to an under-appreciated accent of our great country...the "North Dakota". I feel like I am saying "Yah, Yah" constantly after watching this film:) McD. also won the Best Actress Academy Award for this one, folks. That's right. She is the best!
2) Raising Arizona (1987), Suffice it to say, that in a movie full of brilliance and brilliant actors, McDormand steals the spotlight completely with her role as Dot, the mother of many awful children, all who have had their Dip-tet:)
3) The Man Who Wasn't There (2001), perhaps not as widely hyped as other Coens-masterpieces, but nonetheless, an amazing film. McD. shines as the wife of a very introspective Billy Bob Thornton. Not-to-be-missed:)
4) Others to see: Burn After Reading, Barton Fink, Miller's Crossing, and Blood Simple. All Coens', all McD's, all great. 'Nuff said.
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