aka. My birthday:) Many movies were unwrapped on this fine day, and I am happy to review them all (I didn't actually watch them all today, but I have seen and loved them all previously, so I reckon that I should share:). I suppose that I will begin with the movie rental that I actually watched today:

1) Birth (2004), directed by Jonathan Glazer and starring Nicole Kidman (does anybody else think that she is a little creepy?). I am gonna have to give this one a luke-warm review, as I simply couldn't commiserate with the heroine falling in love with her dead husband, who has been reincarnated as a young boy. Very intense and depressing, but a little far-fetched. Oh, well. You can't win them all. On a cheerful note, I can refer you to a fabulous, wonderful film about a reincarnated, dead husband...

2) Chances Are (1989), directed by Emile Ardolino, and starring the beautiful Robert Downey, Jr., Cybill Shepherd, and Mary Stuart Masterson. These are some of my favorite actors of the late 80's/early '90s, and this movie actually accomplished the nearly impossible... it made the viewer root for a romance between a mother and her daughter's boyfriend (the reincarnated dead husband), and then switch teams, rooting for the daughter to get back together with her fella. Is he still kind-of her dad? Is it weird that he almost got naked with her mom? Very Mrs. Robinson, very that-scene-in-Ghost-when-Whoopi-danced-with-Demi-but-is-really-Swayze? This film is a must-see:)
Now, my friends, here is the ecclectic mix of movies that I received for my Geburtstag:

1) 3:10 to Yuma (2007), directed by James Mangold, and starring the Christian Bale and the Russell Crowe. This movie is hot, hot, hot, and I am not just talking about the cast. If you love westerns, in the gritty, samurai style of Clint Eastwood or the badass, good vs. evil themes of John Wayne flicks, this movie is for you. I think that this movie is for everyone. Plot twists, romance, bromance, and some really cool shoot-outs. Please do check this one out soon:)

2) In Bruges (2008) directed by Martin McDonagh, and starring Ralph Fiennes, Colin Farrell, and Brendan Gleeson. This movie is amazing. The most brilliant banter between 2 Irish hitmen that I have ever encountered, plus Ralph Fiennes? What could be better? How about Colin Farrell calling a little person "short-arse" throughout the film. This has inspired a whole new nickname for me (my husband really does call me "short-arse" now). Also, I am totally inspired to visit Bruges, and Ireland, and to become a hit-man. Just kidding:) But seriously, I laughed, I cried, I laughed again, and I sat on the literal edge of my couch. This one comes very highly recommended:)

3) The Secret of Roan Inish (1994), directed by John Sayles and starring a whole bunch of cool, Irish actors. This one is a long-time favorite of mine, and I needed it for my collection of this-movie-was-totally-formative-for-me-and-my-child-must-see-it-flicks. A young girl in Ireland communes with some folklore, her past, family history, nature, and some seals. She also finds her little brother who has been missing for 3 years. Very cool. A really great movie to show kids, especially if you want to encourage them to watch a classic, instead of a manic, badly-animated show about people who can't defend themselves, so they throw down cards or pets or magic or some crap. Turn that stuff off:)

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