* Grindhouse (2007), directed and written by Robert Rodriguez, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino, Edgar Wright, and Rob Zombie (viewed in 2 full, feature-length parts):

1) Planet Terror... starring Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, Bruce Willis and Josh Brolin. This is a gore-fest in the tradition of classic zombie horror, combined with all out machine-gun action. Not for the feint of heart, this flick contains exploding pustules, brain-eating, limb-removal and inappropriate prosthesis, and a very exciting romance:) We enjoyed it thoroughly, and definitely recommend this one for anybody who ever dreamed of seeing a machine- gun as a prosthetic leg!
2) Death Proof... starring Kurt Russell, is also an amazing combination of 1970s movie genres. We have the killer-car that runs down sexy young women to their deaths, and is (in this case) driven by a very charismatic psycho. The other major theme involves the stalking and subsequent, grisly murder of said sexy, young women, and as in many American horrors from the 1970s, their deaths seem almost predictable because of their drunken, sexy shenanigans:) Did I say sexy? haha. My personal favorite is the ultimate triumph (spoiler alert!!!) of some very capable and bad-ass ladies. The end is a fabulous turn-around of the norm:)
*Final review in one word: Hilarious!
Here are some family friendly Halloween flicks for those readers that are not particularly interested in Grindhouse:)
1) Practical Magic (1998), directed by Griffin Dunne, and starring Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. This is a for-sure personal favorite of mine, in part because it is all about sisters (I have 2), but also in part for the cool Stevie Nicks soundtrack (what? You don't think that is cool? Well, I do.) This flick captures some aspects of witchiness that I find fascinating, and the whole story takes place around this amazing Victorian house on an island. Dunne delivers romance, ghosts, murder, family lineage, and a big dose of witchiness...what is not to like? (One weird moment: Nicole Kidman, Dianne Weist, Stockard Channing and Sandra Bullock dancing around with margharitas... very awkward and strange). Still, I really want to live in that house.
2) Sleepy Hollow (1999), directed by Tim Burton, and starring Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci. Very fun adaptation of the Washington Irving classic tale. We have all of Burton's hallmarks (J.D., dark spookiness, and a lot of cleavage and big, brown eyes!). Sure to delight everyone in the family, and especially fun for those in the Hudson River Valley:)
3) Hocus Pocus (1993), directed by Kenny Ortega, and starring the incomparable Bette Midler and SJP. This is my younger sister, Virgil's, favorite halloweenie film from our youth. (Her name isn't really Virgil, but for my blog's purposes, my sisters are called Virgil and Charlie). This is fine family fun, full of witches, spells, cauldrons, virgins, halloween costumes, and talking cats:) Show it to any children that you know!!!
4) Ghostbusters (I and II) (1984 and 1989, respectively), directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. I won't insult your intelligence by describing these movies, but I will just say that you must watch them again (because I know that you have seen them, and loved them), and that Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver, and Rick Moranis are perfection. Classic, and Must-See.

Happy Halloween!!!!
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